Tuesday, December 4, 2007

nostalgia in the soggy northwest

maybe its the never-ending rain these last few days or just the fact that I was putting things in storage and ran across some old film, but I've got a touch of nostalgia. Here's my dear girl Duna in better form, back when we used to go on long walks- now she just manages short little jaunts.

Here's another image that seems to convey the gloom we've got going on around here-

and then, in the that was then, this is now file, also part of the continuing rest stop series, here is a shot of a ridgeline in Idaho. one was taken with color film 5 years ago, the other with chrome just in the past month. I cropped a little differently; I'll have to take it again the next time I pass through.

I'll close it out with one more from another rest stop, in a place where there was still plenty of sunshine (sun? what's that?)

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